
Styrker bilforhandlere med AI-drevne analyser

Få analysefunktioner såsom attraktivitetsscore på biler, begrundelse for deres attraktivitet, optimering af inventar og kend-din-kunde-funktioner.

Optimer din digitale tilstedeværelse med Seez AI moduler

Dynamisk Prissættelse
Pris Estimat
Kunde Analyser
Kunde Score
Anbefalinger for Optimering
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">ChatGPT - Lead Generering
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Køretøjs AutoMapper

Residual Value Management

Our machine learning analysis uses multiple data points to predict the
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of cars with high accuracy. We consider factors such as depreciation, brand reputation, mileage, age, body type, fuel type, market trends, and many more.
Our machine learning analysis uses multiple data points to predict the
residual value Residual value management enables the understanding and optimizing of the future value of a car. It’s a prediction of how much a vehicle will be worth at a later date.
of cars with high accuracy. We consider factors such as depreciation, brand reputation, mileage, age, body type, fuel type, market trends, and many more.

Insights for Car Dealers:

  • Price used cars and establish trade-in values based on depreciation
  • Mitigate risk of purchasing cars
  • Maximize return on investment
  • Identify profitable cars to buy
  • Perform competitor analysis

Benefits for Insurance, Finance and other Companies:

  • Calculate depreciation value accurately
  • Assess risk of underwriting car insurance policies
  • Issue fair and attractive insurance premiums
  • Provide accurate interest rates for auto loans

Grey Market Dashboards

Get real-time data on
grey market The grey market refers to the trade of vehicles through channels that are not authorized or recognized by the manufacturer or official distributors.
vehicles in KSA and UAE to:
  • Track car supply and demand to make informed pricing and purchasing decisions.
  • Receive insights on broader market trends and anticipate needed changes to purchasing and marketing strategies
  • Tailor your dashboard based on the manufacturer’s structure, whether they utilize intermediaries such as dealerships or exclusively operate authorized showrooms.
  • Understand consumer preferences, and demand for specific models that may not be readily available currently
  • Identify unauthorized dealers who may be distributing vehicles for which you hold exclusive selling rights in a given region
  • Meet specific needs by offering unique parts and maintenance services for grey market vehicles.

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