Technology Archives - Seez Tue, 03 Sep 2024 17:08:46 +0000 da-DK hourly 1 Technology Archives - Seez 32 32 Embracing Digitization in the Auto Industry: Insights from Seez’s GCC Head of Sales Tue, 03 Sep 2024 11:44:19 +0000 The auto industry is in high gear, shifting towards a digital future. From dealerships to manufacturers (OEMs), everyone’s feeling the change. To understand what’s driving this, we’re joined by Gerry McEntee, Head of Sales – GCC, at Seez. He brings over a decade’s worth of expertise to the table – both in sales and operations. […]

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The auto industry is in high gear, shifting towards a digital future. From dealerships to manufacturers (OEMs), everyone’s feeling the change. To understand what’s driving this, we’re joined by Gerry McEntee, Head of Sales – GCC, at Seez. He brings over a decade’s worth of expertise to the table – both in sales and operations. Gerry will share his insights on how digitization is impacting the industry, offering a clear view from the driver’s seat.

Part 1 : Reshaping the Automotive Landscape

Q.1) Let’s begin by diving into the big picture. Gerry, How has digitization fundamentally reshaped the automotive industry, particularly in the realms of sales and operations?

Today’s customers are incredibly well-informed thanks to the vast amount of information available online. They can research everything from vehicle specifications to dealership reputation before even stepping foot on a lot. This has definitely made the competition tougher and given consumers a lot more power. Plus, with digital tools like virtual showrooms and augmented reality, customers can enjoy things like virtual test drives and custom vehicle configurations right from the comfort of their homes. It’s really transformed the way people shop for cars.

Q.2) Expanding on that, how has digitization changed the way car buyers interact with dealerships and the overall sales process?

The rise of e-commerce has made it possible for customers to buy vehicles online, including sorting out financing and delivery. They can also customize their car entirely online, selecting everything from the color to unique body kits that might not be available in the showroom. This gives customers greater control over their choices and enhances their buying experience. Additionally, the research phase has moved online, so by the time customers visit dealerships, they’re already well-informed and focused on specific models. This shift means dealerships need to rethink their sales strategies, offering more value-added services and personalized experiences that go beyond just the basic product information.

Part 2 : Digital Tools in Action

Q.3) What specific digital tools have you found most impactful in your role? Can you elaborate on how these tools enhance your sales or operational processes?

From my perspective, chat platforms—both AI-powered and live chat—are incredibly valuable for enhancing customer interactions. Today’s consumers expect quick responses, and these tools are perfect for meeting that demand. AI chatbots, are becoming increasingly popular because they offer 24/7 support, unlike traditional live chat services which often have limited hours. Plus, AI chatbots like Seezar can handle a variety of tasks, from setting up appointments to guiding customers through the sales process.

Additionally, CRM systems and digital marketing tools have been game-changers for dealerships. They help with lead management, customer targeting, and boosting conversion rates. On top of that, inventory management systems have become more advanced, helping dealerships optimize stock levels and improve overall efficiency. While these tools are powerful, successfully implementing them requires effective team training and adoption. This step is key to getting the most out of these technologies and improving sales as well as operational efficiency.

Q.4) Are there any digital tools you’ve considered implementing but ultimately rejected due to potential drawbacks?

Integration is absolutely crucial for the success of any automotive product. Even the best product will struggle if it doesn’t integrate seamlessly with existing systems, especially the core dealer management system. IT leaders prioritize avoiding data duplication and the headaches that come with managing multiple systems. Without proper bidirectional integration, a product quickly loses its value and ends up being a mere KPI-metric tool instead of a true business solution. From my conversations with customers, it’s clear that integration is always a top priority. If a product doesn’t work well with the major industry systems, it’s unlikely to gain any real traction, no matter how good it is.

Part 3 : The Human Touch in a Digital Age

Q.5) With the rise of digitization, Are we witnessing a decline in the importance of human interaction within the automotive industry?

While digitization has undoubtedly reshaped the automotive industry, I believe the role of human interaction has evolved rather than declined. Early in the car buying journey, where customers are doing a lot of online research, there’s less need for direct human involvement. But as they move further down the sales funnel, that human connection becomes more crucial. Retailers will start to use the power of AI to really enhance the customer’s experience and push them further down the funnel, but the final stages of the purchase decision often hinge on interpersonal relationships. People buy from people — ultimately, that human touch is still a key differentiator in closing deals.

Q.6) How can dealerships leverage technology to enhance the customer experience rather than replace salespeople entirely?

By offering digital tools for initial research and inquiries, dealerships can streamline the customer journey and focus sales efforts on building rapport and addressing specific needs. For example, AI-powered chatbots can offer 24/7 support and handle common questions, which lets salespeople concentrate on more valuable interactions. In the end, it’s all about blending technology with human expertise. Technology helps optimize processes, gather valuable data, and provide efficient support, while salespeople shine in building trust, understanding customer needs, and closing deals.

Q.7) AI can now personalize the car buying journey. Is this a win for customer experience, or an intrusion into privacy?

I believe AI-driven personalization can be a significant win for the customer experience. By customizing recommendations and offers based on individual preferences, the car buying journey becomes both more efficient and enjoyable. While we do collect data, it’s usually just basic contact information like names, emails, and phone numbers. There’s also a growing emphasis among businesses on safeguarding customer data, given the severe consequences of data breaches on brand reputation. Plus, the significant investment involved in buying a car naturally discourages predatory sales tactics.

Q.8) What challenges have you faced in implementing digital solutions, and how did you navigate them to achieve success?

One of the biggest challenges with rolling out digital solutions is managing organizational change. Overcoming resistance to new tools and processes requires effective communication, training, and demonstrating the benefits for both employees and customers. To address this, I focus on building consensus, setting clear expectations, and offering ongoing support. I encourage adoption by highlighting how the new solution can simplify workflows and improve customer experiences. It’s also important to foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptability to keep up with the fast-paced tech landscape—today’s cutting-edge products can quickly become tomorrow’s fish and chips newspaper.

Part 4 : Looking Ahead: The Road to the Future

Q.9) Can you share your vision for the future of digitization within the automotive industry? How do businesses need to plan to stay ahead of the curve and embrace future technological advancements?

I see a lot of potential in the electric vehicle (EV) sector, and it’s set to keep growing, especially with governments pushing more for sustainability. One major challenge we’ll face is developing the infrastructure, like widely accessible charging stations. Beyond just electrification, the automotive industry is also going through a digital transformation. Technologies like connected cars and autonomous driving are evolving quickly, and AI is playing a bigger role in areas such as vehicle performance and manufacturing. To stay ahead, automakers must prioritize research and development while also investing in talent acquisition and development. Ultimately, a customer-centric approach is crucial—technology should always aim to enhance the customer experience.

Gerry’s final ‘brake’ down:

Having spent over a decade in the automotive industry, I’ve noticed a big shift towards the digital age, especially in sales and operations. AI tools and virtual showrooms are changing how people buy cars, but I still think the human touch is key, especially when it comes to closing deals. Launching Seezar, the world’s first automotive-focused ChatGPT, has been a major highlight for Seez. The positive feedback we’re getting reminds me of the early days of Siri or Alexa – there’s so much potential! To win in this ever-evolving market, we need to embrace change and utilize digital tools to simplify operations. Ultimately, our focus should be on enhancing the customer experience by finding the perfect balance between technology and human connection.

Watch the full interview:

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Seez Joins NVIDIA Inception, Accelerating Automotive Innovation Thu, 09 May 2024 10:56:53 +0000 Seez has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program that nurtures startups revolutionizing industries with technological advancements. Joining the program marks a significant milestone in Seez’s journey to empower automotive businesses with advanced solutions and unlock their full potential in the digital age. Through NVIDIA Inception, Seez gains access to expertise, resources, and a network of industry […]

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Seez has joined NVIDIA Inception, a program that nurtures startups revolutionizing industries with technological advancements. Joining the program marks a significant milestone in Seez’s journey to empower automotive businesses with advanced solutions and unlock their full potential in the digital age.

Through NVIDIA Inception, Seez gains access to expertise, resources, and a network of industry leaders, helping fuel innovation and accelerate its growth.

Joining NVIDIA Inception will empower Seez to:

Develop even smarter applications: Leverage NVIDIA technology to create AI-powered solutions that deliver even greater value to customers.

Accelerate growth: Utilize NVIDIA’s resources and support to reach new markets and expand Seez’s reach within the automotive industry.

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AI’s Impact on the Automotive Industry: Insights from Seez’s Marketing Director Mon, 01 Apr 2024 06:14:06 +0000 The automotive industry is in a thrilling race towards the future, fueled by innovation and changing consumer demands. At the forefront of this race sits marketing, where strategies and technologies are constantly evolving. Today, we buckle up for a conversation with Jad Naamani, a seasoned marketing maestro in the automotive world, to explore how AI […]

The post AI’s Impact on the Automotive Industry: Insights from Seez’s Marketing Director appeared first on Seez.

The automotive industry is in a thrilling race towards the future, fueled by innovation and changing consumer demands. At the forefront of this race sits marketing, where strategies and technologies are constantly evolving. Today, we buckle up for a conversation with Jad Naamani, a seasoned marketing maestro in the automotive world, to explore how AI is redefining the game.

Q1.) Let’s start with the big picture. How would you describe the overall impact of AI on automotive marketing today?

In the marketing space, I think there are three major ways that AI is having an impact on the automotive market. Firstly, the algorithms driving the advertising platforms are becoming increasingly powered by AI. AI is driving the traffic, driving the budget, and is optimizing campaigns to perform a lot better.

Secondly, AI is assisting with creative generation. GPT-powered content creation tools are being used for brainstorming, design elements, and even copyright-compliant content creation. This is a valuable support system for many marketing teams.

Finally, AI is transforming customer support through GPT-powered chatbots like Seezar. These chatbots can answer common customer questions that might otherwise require extensive research. For example, imagine wanting to compare cars. Traditionally, you’d search online and sift through multiple resources. With a chatbot like Seezar, you can simply ask your question, and it will scour the internet to provide a tailored response. You can then ask follow-up questions for further clarification, saving you the hassle of browsing countless review sites and videos.

Q2.) What are the biggest challenges and opportunities you see when it comes to implementing AI-powered marketing strategies in this industry?

The biggest hurdle for AI in automotive is that the industry is still evolving. There’s a lot of data integrations that is required for AI to work effectively. These integrations are going to be a challenge because some of the players in the automotive market still need to advance their digitization, they might be a little bit behind. Those who are behind in digitization are definitely going to have bigger challenges in terms of incorporating AI.

The opportunities are pretty similar to what you see in other industries. AI can improve efficiency, improve results, reduce costs. And that’s not all, it’s going to improve optimization – whether it’s marketing spending or customer support. It goes beyond just making things faster, because with these AI tools, you can find what customers need much quicker and give them exactly what they’re looking for. So, the biggest benefit, in my opinion, is the jump in quality. But if you can handle the initial challenges, these opportunities are definitely worth it!

Q.3) Customer segmentation has always been crucial in automotive marketing. How is AI changing the way you identify and target specific buyer personas?

So, it’s pretty interesting when we used to go into seminars and summits with Meta and other big advertising platforms, they used to be all about ‘know your target market,’ ‘spend your money wisely.’ Now with their AI algorithms getting more advanced they’re like, okay, be more general and have the AI figure it out for you. Just increase the amount of data sources that you have coming in to actually get the AI to be able to target effectively, so that it can understand the signals that are coming in. You know, personally, it feels like we’re getting a glimpse into way more customers, reaching them better. And that’s a win-win! Costs go down ’cause you’re hitting the right folks at the right time, and your stats become way more efficient.

Q.4) Can you share a specific example of an AI-driven campaign that successfully reached your desired audience in the automotive sector?

At Seez, we’ve always been data-driven since day one. So we always had data tools and integrations embedded into our products. We’ve always been looking at signals on website events, et cetera. One of the interesting opportunities that we identified was in the Danish market where we wanted to improve purchase conversions. So what we did is we took a look at these events, we cross referenced them with the demographics and the spending that we had. Our data team are like ML wizards. They basically created a machine learning tool to be able to crunch the numbers and effectively tell us how much we should increase or decrease spend. Interestingly, we found that customers younger than 25 , while engaged initially appeared ideal based on their interest and tech savviness, faced financing hurdles later. This meant they weren’t converting at the bottom of the funnel. This key insight allowed us to optimize our spend. In fact, this AI analysis and spending optimization are now fully integrated into SeezBoost, the product we offer our clients.

Q.5) Are there any ethical considerations or potential pitfalls we should be aware of when leveraging AI in this industry?

There are two ethical concerns that people are concerned about. Firstly, everyone’s worried about data privacy. You know, where’s all our data going? The good news is companies are getting better at handling it. Also, the laws are getting more effective in ensuring data privacy and consent for data that’s being shared.

Secondly, remember the scare when GPT came out? Everyone thought oh, we’re going to lose jobs! But honestly, at all the summits and marketing panels I’ve been to, the feeling is the opposite. We’re not losing jobs, we’re just gonna be doing different things. Think of it like this: AI frees up our time, so instead of repetitive tasks, we can focus on more important stuff. It’s like having a super-powered assistant! The work will be better quality, not less work. We’ll still have the same jobs, but we’ll be able to accomplish way more with the help of AI and data. Basically, we’re just shifting gears and doing cooler stuff!

Q.6) As AI continues to evolve, what exciting possibilities do you see for its application in automotive marketing in the years to come?

So, from a creative marketing perspective, we’re figuring out that AI can help us with copywriting and it can help us with design. These tools are only going to get more advanced as time goes on. Every industry, not just car companies, needs to get on board with incorporating more data sources and have companies like Seez helping them use these AI tools effectively. Think of it like this – we built this GPT powered chatbot called Seezar. Now, GPT is great, but on its own, it wouldn’t understand the car business. It’s like a blank canvas. We had to train Seezar, feed it the right info, so it could actually help customers. Now, it’s like a automotive wiz ready to answer questions and help dealerships provide premium customer service.

Jad’s final ‘brake’ down:

Honestly, I think it’s exciting. We’re seeing a ton of cool tech out there, but the key is staying on top of it and getting better. You gotta adapt to these new tools. Especially the auto industry – they can be a bit slow on the uptake with some of this cutting-edge stuff. But trust me, these tools are gonna be huge, and the folks who jump on board now are gonna be the winners.

Watch the full interview:

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From Cold Brew to Closed Deals: Inside a Top Auto Dealer’s Day Fri, 29 Dec 2023 07:25:42 +0000 In the fast-paced world of automotive sales, time is truly money. Every minute counts, from the moment a potential customer walks onto the lot to the final handshake and signed contract. For automotive dealers, it’s all about maximizing efficiency and productivity to close deals and keep the profits rolling in. Let’s take a closer look […]

The post From Cold Brew to Closed Deals: Inside a Top Auto Dealer’s Day appeared first on Seez.

In the fast-paced world of automotive sales, time is truly money. Every minute counts, from the moment a potential customer walks onto the lot to the final handshake and signed contract. For automotive dealers, it’s all about maximizing efficiency and productivity to close deals and keep the profits rolling in.

Throughout the day, automotive dealers juggle multiple tasks, from interacting with customers to managing staff to overseeing the day-to-day operations of the dealership. It’s a demanding job, but it’s also one that can be incredibly rewarding.

By maximizing time and efficiency, automotive dealers can increase their productivity, boost their sales, and achieve their goals.

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